Churches need to help single people get married
Churches should not be pushing Christians to stay single unless they want it themselves. Actually, they should encourage marriage and offer singlehood as a second choice, which is not what is being done.
You might disagree on the basis of what the Apostle Paul wrote,
I think Paul's purpose was not to establish a rule about if someone should marry or not, but simply warn that being married would lessen the focus of serving "undivided devotion". I think his response came from individuals who were considering the best option for serving the Lord in full time service.
Churches have turned his advice into a recommendation to being single as the spiritual choice while the other being carnal.
This is a narrow and hurtful view to Christians. Paul clearly states he did not want to "restrict" the believer, which means either choice was ok with him.
Now, laying aside this isolated text for a moment, let's consider what the rest of the Bible teaches.
First, God is a relational God. He is a triune being. He was never alone and is completely united with His other persons. To truly understand God, you would have to experience an intimate relationship. Same as being a father. Until you are one, understanding God as a father will remain vague or unclear at the least.
Second of all, even though Adam spent a little time alone, God didn't consider it good that he remain alone so he created a partner. This was and is the norm from the beginning, not the single life. If God said it was not good, who are we to say it is?
Thirdly, when Jesus sent out His disciples to preach the gospel, he sent them in pairs. He could have sent them individually, but He didn't. Wouldn't it have been more productive, spiritual or more glorifying going alone? Yes, but He chose not.
Fourth consideration follows this verse,
Churches trying to enforce a so called spiritual abstinence is clearly going against God's natural plan. Not to mention being unloving, uncaring and lacking compassion not to mention the guilt poured on the individuals. Sex must be treated as a great gift from God and not as disgusting behavior or a plague.
Fifth reason is practicality. Couples procreate which was a command from the beginning. Nobody disagrees that couples are the foundation of churches. They bring stability, life to a church and much more whereas a single person is limited. Married couples give more financially because of their combined incomes. Single people have more expenses or financial burdens being alone.
Sixth reason is maturity. Being in a couple builds maturity more than being single. There's a whole world of experience that is not learned being alone. This experience goes beyond what a single person can offer.
In conclusion, Churches need to put more effort in marrying single people. It is the Godly and smart thing to do.
You might disagree on the basis of what the Apostle Paul wrote,
I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. 1 Cor. 7:32-35
I think Paul's purpose was not to establish a rule about if someone should marry or not, but simply warn that being married would lessen the focus of serving "undivided devotion". I think his response came from individuals who were considering the best option for serving the Lord in full time service.
Churches have turned his advice into a recommendation to being single as the spiritual choice while the other being carnal.
This is a narrow and hurtful view to Christians. Paul clearly states he did not want to "restrict" the believer, which means either choice was ok with him.
Now, laying aside this isolated text for a moment, let's consider what the rest of the Bible teaches.
First, God is a relational God. He is a triune being. He was never alone and is completely united with His other persons. To truly understand God, you would have to experience an intimate relationship. Same as being a father. Until you are one, understanding God as a father will remain vague or unclear at the least.
Second of all, even though Adam spent a little time alone, God didn't consider it good that he remain alone so he created a partner. This was and is the norm from the beginning, not the single life. If God said it was not good, who are we to say it is?
Thirdly, when Jesus sent out His disciples to preach the gospel, he sent them in pairs. He could have sent them individually, but He didn't. Wouldn't it have been more productive, spiritual or more glorifying going alone? Yes, but He chose not.
Fourth consideration follows this verse,
9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 1 Cor. 7:9Actually, most single people should decide their choice on this basis. If you burn, get married. The Bible is very straight forward and non-judgmental.
Churches trying to enforce a so called spiritual abstinence is clearly going against God's natural plan. Not to mention being unloving, uncaring and lacking compassion not to mention the guilt poured on the individuals. Sex must be treated as a great gift from God and not as disgusting behavior or a plague.
Fifth reason is practicality. Couples procreate which was a command from the beginning. Nobody disagrees that couples are the foundation of churches. They bring stability, life to a church and much more whereas a single person is limited. Married couples give more financially because of their combined incomes. Single people have more expenses or financial burdens being alone.
Sixth reason is maturity. Being in a couple builds maturity more than being single. There's a whole world of experience that is not learned being alone. This experience goes beyond what a single person can offer.
In conclusion, Churches need to put more effort in marrying single people. It is the Godly and smart thing to do.
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