Should married woman wear a veil in church?
I know that most churches have dismissed the veil with the understanding that it represents a woman's hair or just that it's an old cultural custom. But I think it's worth rethinking for the main reason that Christian woman might be missing out on a great blessing from God. Before I go on, let me make this clear that I believe woman are equal to men in every sense. The veil is a special requirement from God to woman and for their benefit. Men being the head of the family is a positional order and not of one being better than the other. Just as Jesus was positional below the Father. Also, I'm not being judgmental about this, this is a woman's responsibility. I'm simply letting my beloved sisters know that there might be a great blessing waiting for them if they chose to practice this request. First thing to note is that wearing of the veil only applies to married woman as the context states in 1 Corinthians 11. Single woman do not have to wear it. Most Ch...