Martha vs Mary

In Luke chapter 10, Martha invites Jesus to stay at her house. From this short narrative, we see the spiritual symbolism and contrast between the Old and New Testaments and of God's plan of salvation.

TEXTMEANINGAdditional thoughts
v.40 was cumbered about much serving
She represents the efforts of humanity to fulfill the Old Testament or Mosaic Covenant laws for salvation.She's the oldest. The firstborn. The first covenant.
v.40 Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone?The Law cannot understand Grace. It believes in its self-righteousness acts to please God.The Law always tries to minimize Grace and bring us back into bondage of self-righteous works.
v.41 Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:The efforts of trying to fulfill the Law could only reveal the difficulty and failure in keeping it. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. Gal. 3:24,25
v.39 which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word.
She represents the New Covenant. Salvation by faith in Christ who completed the works of the Law for her.Mary is second born, representing the second covenant or second Adam.
v.42 But one thing is needfulJesus is that one thing. He only could fulfill the Law for us and Mary rested before His completed work.Only one of the two choices is needful.
v.42 Mary hath chosen that good partThere are two parts or choices for salvation and Mary chose the good part.She chose with a free will to listen and accept the New covenant. Salvation by grace.
v.42 which shall not be taken away from her.Her salvation is complete and sure. The Law cannot reclaim her in any way.

Which one of these women are you? Martha represents humanity trying to please God by religious works, while Mary completely relies on Jesus's work on the cross for salvation. Choose the GOOD part.


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